Addiction treatment to prevent the risk of suicide

Addiction is a harmful and obsessive disorder that does not get better over time except if the individual seeks treatment. Both types of addiction- substance and behavioral addiction, can make someone commit suicide if care is not taken.

For instance, someone who is addicted to gambling can begin to consider taking their life after numerous losses. It might get worse when they run into a serious financial crisis because of their gambling habit.

Therefore, to reduce the risk of suicide, it is important to solve the addiction problem that the individual is struggling with.

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The first step is for the individual to acknowledge that they have an addiction problem, this will help them to be proactive with the counselor and therapist when receiving treatment.

It will make them open to the various treatment options at their disposal, and it would be easy for them to cooperate when receiving treatment.

If the person’s addiction is substance-related, they might have to undergo detoxification depending on the severity of the addiction.

Detoxification is the removal of waste substances in the body that can cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

If the person was addicted to certain behaviors, they will have to undergo counseling and behavioral therapies. This might be a one-on-one interaction, group, or with the family depending on the treatment needs of the individual.

Some of the common therapies are cognitive-behavioral therapy, multi-dimensional family therapy, motivational interviewing, etc.

Another addiction treatment phase is rehabilitation programs. These programs are usually long-term, and they are targeted at helping the individual treat other underlying problems like suicidal ideation.

After rehabilitation programs, it is expected that these individuals live an addiction-free life with stable mental health that allows them to fulfill their various responsibilities.

Some of the common types of rehabilitation programs are short-term residential treatment, therapeutic communities, and recovery housing.

The last stage is aftercare treatment, where the individual still keeps receiving treatment to keep them sober and prevent them from relapsing.  

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